Learning Difficulties / Learning Disabilities 

Learning Difficulties / Learning Disabilities

Learning Disorder introduction 




Nonverbal Learning Disorders 

Famous people and learning disorders 

Online learning resources 

Parenting Resources

Parent The Whole Brain Child

Kid Resources

Character Building

Self-regulation / Self-control 

Try Dr.Steve’s S.T.O.R.E.

Schedule – Include time for studying or homework, self-regulation exercises, outdoor and indoor play and fun activities and fitness. Keep a schedule visible and track activities completed and upcoming events. ADHD individuals are high-energy people and need opportunities to utilize this energy in a healthy and productive manner.

Teachable Moments – Give supportive feedback, praise or incentives when rules are followed and desirable behavior is displayed. ADHD individuals often receive frequent critique (e.g., calm down, sit still, pay attention, focus, stop, no!). Remember to provider to look for good behavior, and praise it. Pay attention to “Teachable moments” and try to offer a few supportive or positive remarks for every negative one provided.

Organize – Help the individual organize, and keep better account of their personal belongings and agenda. Also help them organize and manage their time. Consider using a daily planner, keep it simple and age appropriate.

Rules – Mutually develop consistent rules and clearly identify consequences and incentives that are understood and easy to follow. Start with an easy rulebook, and then increase regulations as the child learns and develops appropriately.

Earn – Consider setting up a chore incentive plan with a clear job description (i.e., do this, earn that). Help the individual learn discipline, the benefits of hard work, time management, and how to complete tasks effectively to earn (rather than ask). Develop a chore plan with the individual that is agreed upon, simple and age appropriate.

Consider Additional Testing due to learning difficulties… 


  • Due to concerns of Learning Disorder 
  • Consider extensive LD testing with the Scottish Rite Center 
  • Schedule in advance due to their waitlist
  • Plan to test in the Spring or Summer prior to next school year 

