Mental Training Vs. Mental Toughness By: “Dr Steve” @SportsShrink The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. – Muhammad Ali The best are both Mentally Trained and Mentally Tough! Mental Training is the most […]

Pat “BamBam” Healy And The Champion Quest
By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender When talking with BamBam you will learn very quickly his MMA mission: Strikeforce Champion UFC Champion Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 40+ pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and […]

The Underdog Pat “Bam Bam” Healy And The Road Less Traveled – Part 2
By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 44 pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and tough? Despite the stereotypes, BamBam is only 29 years old, an age often considered the prime […]

The Underdog Pat “Bam Bam” Healy And The Road Less Traveled
By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 43 pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and tough? Despite the stereotypes, BamBam is only 28 years old, an age often considered the prime […]

“The Law” of Mental Preparation? Part III
“The Law” of Mental Preparation? Part III By: Dr. Steve @SportsShrink with Elite Coach @MattLindland The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. – Muhammad Ali Mental Preparation Review Learn how to consistently […]

“The Law” of Mental Preparation? Part II
“The Law” of Mental Preparation? Part II By: Dr. Steve @SportsShrink with Elite Coach @MattLindland The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. – Muhammad Ali Mental Preparation Review Learn how to consistently […]

“The Law” of Mental Preparation? Part I
“The Law” of Mental Preparation? Part I By: Dr. Steve @SportsShrink with Elite Coach @MattLindland The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. – Muhammad Ali Mental Preparation The ultimate goal of mental preparation […]