Integrate Your Brain & Mental Training w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” -Marcus Aurelius We all spend a good portion of our lives trying to create some sense of well-being. We go to work to […]

The Golden Way and Mental Training
The Golden Way & Mental Training w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice The greatest stories are often metaphors that help us understand and hopefully improve our lives. No matter your beliefs, the story of the Golden Buddha provides a wonderful metaphor for anyone interested in optimizing his or her wellbeing. One of the most […]

The Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Journey w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice Who is your Hero? We all need them. As children, we often look up to the man or woman in the comic book, on the TV or movies, playing sports, or in our favorite book. Some of us choose an athlete, superman, wonder woman, an actor or actress, […]

Mental Training is Gardening – Part 3
Mental Training is Gardening – Part 3 w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice Mental Health and Nutrition Doctors have long told their patients that diet and exercise are two of the best methods to avoid multiple medical complications like hypertension and diabetes. Medical science is now moving towards the idea that healthful eating habits […]

Mental Training is Gardening – Part 2
Mental Training is Gardening – Part 2 w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice There is no arguing that the American way of life has changed drastically over the past fifty years. One of the most drastic changes has been the ease access to food due to multiple technological advancements. The average American diet has […]

What is Interpersonal Neurobiology?
Achieve A Peace of Mind… What is Interpersonal Neurobiology? w/ Dr Steve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Interpersonal Neurobiology is an interdisciplinary approach to studying the development of the human mind. It is rooted firmly in the idea that integration of different functions of the mind creates a more intricate human experience and ultimately leads […]

Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1
Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1 By: DrSteve @SportsShrink @DrHannant Ultimate Fighter @BamBamHealy is… The BamBam Lean Green Garden Machine Pat “Bam Bam” Healy lives on #FreedomFarm and grows his own fighter fuel via gardening fruits and vegetables. Right now he is producing some of the best green goods. Pat says, “We have carrots, […]

The Pyramid of Success?
Achieve Your Personal Best Via DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell w/ @WilsonPractice Coach John Wooden developed The Pyramid of Success upon the cornerstone that each individual will experience success when they do everything within their means to achieve their goals. “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you […]

Windows to Our Children
Reviewed by @DrHannant & Book By Dr. Violet Oaklander Windows to Our Children by Violet Oaklander, Ph.D. is derived from the authors Ph.D. dissertation. It is personalized, conversational, narrated, and easy to understand. The book describes “mini case histories” by which children with various mental health difficulties are treated using integrative healing. This includes experiential […]