Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering by: David A. Kessler, M.D. Book review by Sandy Hannant In his book “Capture”, Dr David A. Kessler explains the ramifications of mental illness by breaking it down to one word: Capture. Capture is described by Dr. Kessler as a process when something captures our thoughts, feels unmanageable […]

Brain Storm
BrainStorm A Book review of @DrDanSiegel by @WilsonPractice Matthew Mitchell & @SportsShrink “DrSteve” @DrDanSiegel, M.D. and author discusses how brain development effects conduct and relationships in teens in his most recent book, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain. Dr. Siegel explains the adolescent brain in an accessible manner with the goal of […]

Personal Creed
Personal Creed by Matt The Optimist Creating a Personal Creed is a good way to clarify your life’s values and goals. Author Napoleon Hill discusses this in his 17 Keys to Success in Principle 1: Definite Major Purpose. He discusses the definite major purpose as being a guide or steering wheel to an individual’s life work. Without it, […]

Balancing Integration and Differentiation
Balancing Integration and Differentiation w/ Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Integration is as a method to understand a number of phenomenon. Dr. Dan Siegel discusses integration as a means of understanding relationships in parenting, friendships, and romantic love. How do we support each other in a relationship and in individualization? Can balancing relationships and a maintenance of […]

Undefeated Mental Training
@T_RevMcCumby T-REV KNOWS WINNING w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Trevor “T-Rev” McCumby, is a professional boxer and #KO artist with a super impressive record of 13 wins, 0 losses, and 10 Knockouts! He is an Illinois native & currently lives in Arizona. His amateur career was also spectacular with a record of 138-11 […]

Team Culture Keys
Team Culture Keys w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Moving Towards a Company Culture like @Zappos… Creating a distinct company culture is imperative in successful and sustainable business practice. In Delivering Happiness, @TonyHsieh, CEO of @Zappos, a wildly successful online retailer, discusses his methods and philosophies for creating a successful business based upon culture. […]

Brief Brain Integration
Brief Brain Integration w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Integration of the brain is imperative to Achieve Your Personal Best. @DrDanSiegel explains we can create experiences that integrate different parts of our brains and our children’s brains. For example, a brain that is use to hours of screen time (computer, video games etc.) is […]

Understanding Basic Brain Integration
Understanding basic Brain Integration w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice “With our mind we make the world.” – Gautama Buddha Understanding Brain integration increases your wellbeing and optimizes your ability to achieve success. The brain is comprised of multiple parts. @DrDanSiegel emphasizes that we have left, right, upper, and lower brains. The parts each […]

The Defiant Child: A Parent’s Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder
The Defiant Child: A Parent’s Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder by Dr. Douglas Riley and Book Review w/ @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchel @WilsonPractice The book The Defiant Childdelivers suggestions to understanding and aiding children with oppositional and defiant behaviors. Dr. Riley explains his conceptualization of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) stating, “I’ve come to see it […]

Solution Focused Brief Therapy
By Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) SFBT is a form of treatment that invites an individual to discuss and generate an idea of their preferred future and set goals to work towards the vision of their preferred future. A Solution Focused Therapist works to identify the client’s progress towards […]