Workplace precautions against bloodborne pathogens
Protected: Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
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Cultural Diversity
“Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace” PowerPoint self-study
Protected: NVC
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Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering
Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering by: David A. Kessler, M.D. Book review by Sandy Hannant In his book “Capture”, Dr David A. Kessler explains the ramifications of mental illness by breaking it down to one word: Capture. Capture is described by Dr. Kessler as a process when something captures our thoughts, feels unmanageable […]

Brain Storm
BrainStorm A Book review of @DrDanSiegel by @WilsonPractice Matthew Mitchell & @SportsShrink “DrSteve” @DrDanSiegel, M.D. and author discusses how brain development effects conduct and relationships in teens in his most recent book, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain. Dr. Siegel explains the adolescent brain in an accessible manner with the goal of […]

Personal Creed
Personal Creed by Matt The Optimist Creating a Personal Creed is a good way to clarify your life’s values and goals. Author Napoleon Hill discusses this in his 17 Keys to Success in Principle 1: Definite Major Purpose. He discusses the definite major purpose as being a guide or steering wheel to an individual’s life work. Without it, […]

Balancing Integration and Differentiation
Balancing Integration and Differentiation w/ Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Integration is as a method to understand a number of phenomenon. Dr. Dan Siegel discusses integration as a means of understanding relationships in parenting, friendships, and romantic love. How do we support each other in a relationship and in individualization? Can balancing relationships and a maintenance of […]